Saturday, November 29, 2014

OTT Mori coord for Japanese Street Fashion Showcase

As some of you know, I'm the Vice President (currently standing in for the Pres.) of my university's Japanese Street Fashion Club. We recently were given the opportunity by the Japanese Association to hold a fashion show at their Fall Festival and I was in charge of the event. Since the festival was hosted at night, we weren't able to get good pictures of the show, but I definitely wanted to share my mori coord with you!

Sweater, blouses, underskirt- thrifted
Overdress, overshirt- forest girl fans
Socks, tights- ebay
Shoes- customized Angelic Imprint
Bag- customized Urban Outfitters
Purse- My mother's, from my great-aunt
Necklaces- my grandmother's
Hair accessory- handmade
Brooch- handmade from my line DoMoCu
I thought that the more Harajuku interpretation of mori (mostly lacy layers and lots of piled-on antique and lacy accessories) would be appropriate because our club is for Japanese Street Fashion, which implies something a little more over the top in reference to Harajuku and other popular fashionable street cultures. Also since it was a fashion show, I thought over the top would be more eye-catching and fun c:

We had such a great time performing and (in my humble opinion) totally stole the show away! I'm really proud of everyone I worked with on this project and will look forward to doing it again next year. 

Yours truly,
Miss Kellie


  1. Love this outfit so much! Inspires me to dabble into the Harajuku version more! xooxo

    1. Thanks Anie! I'd love to see what you come up with!!

  2. Hi Kellie! I'm Alex and I was hoping you could answer a quick question I have about your blog, Dear Miss Kellie! If you could email me back at Alex.d(at)weddingtonway(dot)com that would be great!

  3. This is such a lovely, nostalgic coord. I definitely think it can rep the street category too. I would love to see any pics of your future fashion events.
    xx Abby a geek tragedy

    1. OOo thank you! I wanted to share snaps from our show but the lighting was so terrible that the photos turned out badly :(
